I want to interrupt the rambling about my various pet peeves to talk about a subject that one of my followers on twitter mentioned this morning: women who mess with taken men.
She (my follower) asked "Do females like the fact that they are [sleeping with] another woman's man? Don't you want your own? I'm stingy and dont like to share..." I replied saying that i agreed, and that some of those triflin' tramps must justify it by saying that if he's sleeping with them he must not really be in love with his girl.
I just HAVE to talk about this because it's got me thinking now.
A woman that takes another woman's man (KNOWINGLY) is one of the worst types of people, in my opinion. Whether he happens to be married or not, that woman is completely going against the value and respect of a relationship, a bond between two people. And in this instance I blame things primarily on the woman. I know that men can be sneaky and some actually pursue lil' flings on the side...But I'm talking about when the woman initiates the "relationship" and is purposefully taking a man from his girl to spend time with her.
How would that girl feel if a woman did that to her man?! Could she blame her? Could she then try to switch things around to make it like that tramp is any worse off than her? Not really.
...Then again, this girl probably doesn't have a man. And if she does, she can't keep one. She thinks that a relationship is just fun, that two people can only be happy if they're sleeping with each other. And that is why she is most likely a lonely, confused, immature girl in desperate need of attention. I wouldn't be sorry if she never gets married or has a stable relationship... She doesn't deserve one.
I find this interesting. You blame the woman...but it is also the man's fault for falling for the trap. If he was really in love with his REAL woman he would have never slipped for the other.