Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pet Peeves #1

I thought it would be fun to start blogging about some of my many pet peeves...we can get tons of info out of that :) lol...
So buckle your seatbelts, and here we go.....

I cannot stand a big ego. It makes a person instantly unattractive to me. Why would you want to elevate yourself over others? I understand having confidence in yourself (honestly, it's something I have to work on, but I respect it tremendously)...but in no way should that translate into putting others down and shoving your successes in their faces. Just stop. You're really not that important. I don't care if you're Jay-Z, Kanye, or even just a guy I graduated with... Nothing that you can do can add a day onto your life, can it? If Jesus came out of heaven and still humbled himself in front of others, why can't you?! Narcissism is actually a sign of weakness to me, while humility is a display of strength.